Well, I'm back from vacation...
but, on the bad side, I'm too tired (drove 480 miles today) to make a coherent post... so y'all get "treated" to more downsides.
1. Being one piece short of the Booster Gold Gourmet Cooking set that the grocery store is offering. (You missed the Dutch Oven)
2. Being voted "Most likely to work for the Joker" in your highschool yearbook.
3. Your wierd neighbor who keeps putting a lead cowboy hat on your head, telling you that it will keep Superman from seeing your thoughts.
4. You're out walking and see home products Icon "Mr Clean" You no more than yell out his name and find a stiletto heeled foot heading right for your nose.
5. Having the regular meeting of your local chess association (the Checkmate Club), invaded by seventeen low rent superheros.
6. Watching with mounting horror as a news story records that thousands of teens are having major cosmetic surgery just to get the "Psimon look"
7. Endless debates on alt.fan.psycobabes "Harley Quinn or Shimmer"
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