Tuesday, September 06, 2005

random musings

Just sort of free associating here.

Does anyone remember Todd Marinovich? He was a football player for USC, and had a short pro career. What was notable about him was the way that his father tried to "program" him to become an NFL quarterback from his days in diapers. Almost every step, every meal was choreographed in an attempt to become a great football player. Well, he was a pretty good player in college, but a major bust in the pros, and if you follow football, you may know that his life has been pretty much a train wreck since then. There are other examples in sports of that. There are accusations that the father of the Williams sisters in Tennis, or Tiger Woods' dad did that as well (obviously with much more success, both in terms of their sports success, as well as not turning their kids into head cases).

That might make an interseting hook for a superhero book, or more than one of them. Now, there's been variations of that already. Azrael and the current Batgirl have elements of that in their backstory, but there are major differences in both. Now, it's possible that it's happened and I've missed it, but it would make for an amusing story.

It would work better if played with a slightly lighter touch. However, flashbacks of combat training, intensive strategic training, the whole works, with a more that slightly manic father in the background.

Hm... there may be something there... I'll have to think on this.

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