Saturday, October 01, 2005

Book Recomendation

Among other things, I'm also a fan of Fantasy Novels, and if you haven't read it, I'd highly suggest the Crown of Stars series by Kate Eliot.

What's fascinating is the world she's set up. In alot of ways, it's an inversion of the actual Middle Ages. She has renamed the nations/religions and the like (and reimagined them. The "vikings" are now seafaring lizardmen). The "Daisanite" church is fairly close to the Roman Catholic Church in many ways. While the church is still very powerful and prevelant, it's also
1) Matriarchical
2) closer to gnostic than anything.

On the other hand, one of the ongoing subplots is the rise of a heresy which is more or less akin to orthodox Christianity.

It's a bit dense, difficult reading, but very, very rewarding. It takes three books to even begin to get a sense of what's "really" going on.

On comic notes... it's coming... you've all feared it. I'm not sure when, but the pieces are falling in place. I shall prove to you all why I love Power Pack!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of re-imagined history...

Have you read the Heirs of Alexandria series by Eric Flint, Mercedes Lackey, and Dave Freer? Set in a different version of the Renaissance, where magic works, and the conflict between Peter and Paul came out...differently.

Again, the various factions of Europe have been reinvented in interesting ways to reflect the increased power functioning magic gives. The Holy Roman Empire is a functioning polity, for example.

Although I highly recommend buying both, they are available for free (and legally) as ebooks:

Book 1 - The Shadow of the Lion:

Book 2 - This Rough Magic: