Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Comic Day

At last my books came, and I can say some somewhat intellegent things.

The biggie of course is IC #1... but I'll leave that for a post unto itself.

THE GOOD: Probably the highlight of my order was Batgirl, with Green Lantern Corps:Recharge a close second. This isn't to say that it was my best month... it really wasn't that great. A fair number of average books, and a few rather weak ones. I really liked seeing Nora come out of the Lazarus Pit... I'm not a big fan of Victor, but this has the chance to make him somewhat interesting.

The Bad: Well, aside from the art in BoP 86 (the Black Canary substory especially), probably the worst was Robin. The "shadow government orginization" thing is overused, and frankly, Tim's a rather poor fit with this batch of guys. Then, they go to all the trouble of setting up Johnny Warlock as a serious villain for Robin, and suddenly... *poof*. I imagine he'll get out of the shadow dimension, but really, that was a pretty weak victory. Darla may end up being interesting... Might be worth writing a story with her and Raven.

The Ugly: The Return of Donna Troy. The entire series was just pretty chaotic, and didn't grab my interest at all. I have to admit, that the "resolution" to her backstory was fairly clever. However, everything else in that story was just plain... eh.

Other thoughts. Villains United had been my favorite book of the "prequal series," but the ending left me a bit flat. Double-Lex just doesn't grab me for Mockingbird. Vandal Savage would have been more interesting. For that matter, any of the "core" members of the Society, using the Six as a counterbalance to Lex would have been good. Of course, all of this is building towards IC, so there will probably be some point to it. On the other hand, Day of Vengance ended pretty well for me. I'd be willing to buy a continuing series with this group. I'm a bit unclear how Capt. Marvel can still exist with Shazam killed and the Rock gone... but maybe they'll explain that in time.

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