Friday, August 19, 2005

Painful Villain #9

Staying with our X-theme for the moment (face it, aside from Magneto, and then Mystique's version of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, the X types have had a lack of high quality villains, and some of the good ones they had, they ruined )

We come to this fool

Yay, we get someone who is even more feral, more brutal, more of a scrapper than Wolverine. Woo! Someone, stop the presses.

I have to admit, he has had a few good moments. Getting KOed by Jack Power (yes, of Power Pack) was an awe inspiring moment. If I had a scanner, I'd share it with you, just for the fun factor. Kitty Pryde did a number on him as well one time. Heh, kinda hard to rip apart a woman who is intangible, right Sabes?

Anyway, they tried and tried, gave him kids and partners and dragged him into the X-Mansion, but you just can't make this guy any more than he originally was. He makes a usable sidekick. He's not bad at going and being a real villian's dumb muscle (see his role in the Mutant Massacre), but as a villian unto himself?

He just oozes boringness. Typical Sabertooth "story"

Eeek! Sabertooth is here!


Hero shows up, gets into knock down drag out fight, beats Sabertooth. Sabes is unable to say anything more intellegent than "I'm going to feast on your entrails."


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