Well, I'd apologize for the long delay since a post here, but it would be kind of pointless. It's not like anyone was waiting with baited breath for me to actually post or anything.
In any case, life has been rather insane, and while I've been reading comics, I've not been that moved to post. I'll probably post at one point or another on the Star-Spangled Kid issue of JSA from last month one of these days.
In any case, one of the reasons for the delay is the difficulty of posting in the middle of a long, overwrought company wide crossover. Sad to say, that's what it's turning into. Since I only get my books one time a month, I've been avoiding blogworld to avoid spoilers, but I'm not really joying IC all that much. I'm not going to say that it's down to Zero Hour level, but it's not that good either.
I think part of the problem is that I much prefer focused stories. Even if they are sprawling (like some fantasy novel series I've read), if the focus that underlies the story is clear. Well, to this point, IC is rather shotgunned. The Alex-Superboy-Superman thing is somewhat interesting, but the rest of it is just sort of floating on by. I'm still not entirely sure why they had to scrag Bludhaven (at least it's not in California this time, after Coast City and Sub Diego, I'd be leaving that state...). I'm probably a bit behind, but I sure how that Capt. Marvel doesn't get stuck on the rock. He needs to be an active character, not stuck out there.
Anyway, I've only gotten into a bit of this months shipment, but the highlight easily is Nightwing. I'd really thought that he would eventually go the other way in this. Nice to seem I'm wrong. I still think that Babs can do better, but hey, what do I know :)
Batgirl was fairly interesting. A bit too much use of "bringing back from the dead" for my tastes (and you know that Shiva will fall into the pit soon), but still interesting. I'm glad to see they didn't kill Cassie outright. Whether she uses the name "Batgirl" or whatever is immaterial to me, she's finally growing into being an interesting character. Her original "mute" form was an interesting idea, but not something that can be carried off in an ongoing series.
Oh well, time marches on.
Good to see you back and around. I know i don't comment much here, but I was wondering if you were coming back. I almost took you off my link list today. Glad I didn't.
Maybe what you need to do, is try out books that aren't tied to "company wide crossovers." This way, you can have a little more to talk about. I'f you need any reccomendations, just ask. Or, read some of my recent reviews of books not tied to these events.
Anyway, welcome back. Hope you stick around for a while. :)
Heck Yes!! I was certianly waiting - not with bated breath (good job or Chris might be contacting you about the funeral ...) but I like your comics column ...
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