Sunday, February 26, 2006

Review: Avengers the Movie

Just watched the new Avengers movie, and I have to give it an overall thumbs up. Now, the animation is rather uneven. On the one hand, the designs and colors are quite good, but the movement seems to be a bit rough.

I've not read the Ultimates, so it's a bit disorienting for me to read. Lots of things that just seem slightly off (like Prof. Betsy Ross). Still, enough of the touchstones are there for me to follow it in good form.

Probably the highlight is the bickering between Hank Pym and Janet. Is there a more disfunctional couple in comics?

I should say more, but I'm a tad tired, so I'll let it be.

Still, a night with Captain America can't be all bad.

One can never have too many boy scouts.

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