Saturday, February 25, 2006


Pretty good episode tonight. I'd missed the first Stargirl episode, so this was the first time I saw her and Pat. I can't say that I'm fond of her voice, but oh well.

It's interesting to see this storyline pushed across at the same time as some of the themes in IC that I mentioned last night. In alot of ways, it strikes me as a "truer" story than IC.

I think they pushed the "non-powered" thing a bit too far this time though. It was quite funny to see Speedy, and near as I can recall this is the first time that we've seen someone from the Teen Titans cartoon appear in JLU (other than maybe Kid Flash... is that Wally or Bart in TT?) The byplay between him and Ollie was pretty good, and I liked the way that they pulled out the Silver Age wierd arrows.

Overall, a solid episode, and it's good to see them putting focus on some of the secondary characters. I really think that it's been getting better (though the animation isn't as good as it was to my mind). Too bad the series is going by the wayside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you notice, all the Justice League characters used in the episode were either members of the Seven Soldiers of Victory, such as Green Arrow and Shining Knight, or they're reinvented versions of those characters, such as Stargirl and STRIPES taking the place of the Star Spangled Kid and Stripesy.

They had a tendency to do that. Include small groups of characters from all the incarnations of the JLA and related teams.