Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I return

I return. Perhaps in time I shall divlulge what dangers I have faced, but you'd be bored stiff reading about it, and I'd be bored stiff telling you, so let's just pretend that I've been preoccupied on the mundane, it's more or less true anyway!

So, what would drag back your fundamentally boring scribe to work his way back here?

The Society is Back!

Yes, as always, I'm behind. The joys of living in places that the boonies consider uncivilized!

Still, there is nothing that can make my little heart quite so happy as to see that the JSA is back in full force!

I have some questions about some things (which I'll get back to), but overall, it lived up to my every expectation.

It hit me viscerally in the gut, when I saw the one person I never wanted to see in this comic. I was not ready to see Mr. America. If you've ever read the classic Elseworlds* The Golden Age, you'll know why.

It made me laugh out loud. The new Red Tornado, she's going to be SUCH a great character, I can see already. It's going to be interesting byplay, considering she's older than Courtney, but she's coming on like an obsessed younger fangirl.

So, the only things that bugged me? Ok, we saw the relationship between Hourman and Jesse Quick hinted at back before the break, so their getting together isn't an issue. I do look forward to seeing why Jesse has gone to Liberty Belle as opposed to Jesse Quick, but I'm patient. That said... oi! They are a truly annoying couple! Who gave them the lobotomy? Young love... bleh. Hopefully they'll grow out of it.. soon. I like both chars, and I like em together... but yeesh.

Ted's Son? Very interesting. We'll just have to leave that one sit.

The new Starman? The jury is out, but the outright loon thing is really hard to pull off for a writer.

So, the big speculation is... who did Mr. America? I'm going to reverse the psychology, and figure it was a previous incarnation of the Manhunter (not Kate). I imagine some of you can see where I'd get that.

All said, woo!

*Yes, I know, there is debate over the status of the book, but my trade paper is under the Elseworlds imprint, so it shall be listed.

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