Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Greetings and Salutations

Well, just getting this thing "up at at em" as it were.

As the intro space says, I'll use this to comment mostly on comic books, but to a lesser extent on anything else that interests me. Perhaps I'll take some time to talk about my favorite fantasy novels at some point.

I've collected comics off and on over the years, but I can hardly say that I'm nearly as well read or informed as many others. I've been "out" of things pretty much for 5-6 years and have just started to work into the mix the last 6-8 months. Believe it or not, Identity Crisis is the thing that really got me back into things.

That's one thing about me, I'm not as negative as many in the Blogosphere about things. I enjoyed IC, even if it did have some holes in it.

Favorite books of all time?

Claremont X-Men up to #211 (the Mutant Massacre is sort of the 'breaking point' for me with that title, I love that story line, but the book fell to pieces after that)
Davis Excalibur, especially from 1-25 or so.
Power Pack up until about issue 40 or so. Yep, that's what I said. So sue me.
New Mutants from around 11 through 50.

Now, in the more recent books I've been reading, there are some things I like, but it really focuses on two books.

JSA I love this book. I've seen alot of comment that it's getting a bit "tired", but I've been spending time catching up on it, and I find it consistantly entertaining.
Birds of Prey If Identity Crisis got me back into things, the Birds have kept me there.

What do I look for in books? Oddly for someone who is a comics fan, I'm not a hugely visual person. Oh, there is art I like, and don't like, and there are things that will "set me off", but writing and story are for me the biggest issue. I'll take a well writing but average book in looks over a pretty book with rotten writing any day of the week.

I'll update now and then with thoughts and the like. However, I live sorta in the boonies, so I have my pulls on a monthly mail order (to save postage), so I'll usually have a bit of a time lag on everyone.

Well, I'll make my first "real" post here in a bit.


Anonymous said...

We overlap a lot on taste: I'm with you on your favorite runs (can't wrap my mind around the Power Pack thing, but ok - ) I'd add Gail Simone's whole run on BoP to round it out.

Art will never hold me on a book that isn't well written, but bad art can push me away as well - I was iffy on the recent Robin, and the artists on Morrison's X Men run were an additional turn-off.

I'll be more careful of spoilers on my comics reviews!

Ashtur said...

Oh, don't worry about spoilers... I've pretty much learned how to just skip over posts I'm worried about. No concerns in any of that.