Sunday, June 23, 2019

Twin Exiles

A great deal of my storytelling happens while I drive or walk or try to sleep.  In other words, it usually has an audience of one... me.  So, there's a great deal I've thought about that hasn't gotten written down, and I kind of expect that it won't at this point.

A biggie is my "Twin Exiles" from Panthelia.  I've written a bit with them, and a tiny part of the origin story is buried within the blog, but they're one of the major stories that has taken up space in my head for the last 2-3 years.

It's something of a "buddy pic" as it were.  Centina and Adalain.

Centina is an exiled Ulurakith warrior. (A matriarchal society, very traditional.) Why exiled? Because she found out she is also a mage.  A really... really powerful one.  Insanely powerful.  But, mages are bad, so momma threw her out of the family on her 15th birthday. 

Arsiana? She's a fairly young black dragon, but the dragons in this world are capable of turning into a human form.  She's also become the mentor and best friend of Centina.  Obviously, there's a great deal more to the story, but that will wait on me actually... writing.

Centina on the left, Arsiana on the right :)

Picture courtesy of Furryjackal :)

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

The Armor Shop.

Just a bit of silliness.  A plot bunny that hit me while driving.  I've never had much of a touch with humor, but hopefully it will give at least a small chuckle.  It's part of my larger Ulurakith universe, but honestly, it's purely standalone.  New characters, the whole works. Dunno if I'll ever come back to these three. A very rough story, but hey. (Rough as in non-polished.  Not as in dark and dreary. )

The Armor Shop

While no one would have ever considered Ravenspeak to be one of the more pleasant town's they'd visited, it did have a certain reputation. You could buy pretty much anything you wanted there. Much of it was brought in by the ships stopping at the port, but there was also an active crafters industry in town who made and sold a wide variety of items.

One part of town to buy those items was in the southeast. It was a little bit run down, but you wouldn't really call it bad, and the local toughs weren't a problem. They'd long since learned that most of the people who lived and worked here were far too tough to be worth messing with. After all, spending all day pounding iron on the forge tended to make you tougher than most wannabe troublemakers.
In the middle of the block was a shop with a neatly painted sign above the door “Women's Armor.” Inside, Walchyra was sitting behind the counter working on her ledger. Today was Tuesday, which meant that it was “Shop Day.” Most other days, she would be at her forge, but on Tuesdays she would open the shop and take the opportunity to keep her ledgers up to date.

Walchyra looked up when the door opened, and could hardly stifle a groan. The man who had just walked into the store had every sign of being one of “those” customers. His clothing just screamed “entitle noble brat.” His silken shirt was open down the front just enough to advertise that the guy hadn't worked a day in his life. The rapier at his side was so flimsy that Walchyra wouldn't have trusted it to put a hole in rotted bark, and his heroic attempt to grow a beard was wispier than a cloud during the summer drought.

She put on her best saleswoman face and asked “May I help you sir?” At first, the fop didn't respond to her, but instead looked around the shop, examining the pieces of armor on the walls. She had helmets and legplates and some breastplates and even a suit of mail. The man looked at each of them and shook his head.

Finally, he turned to her. “I was told that you made the finest women's armor in town. Unless you keep your superior stock where it cannot be stolen, I would have to consider your reputation to be overstated.”

No, you will not grab the mace from behind the counter and brain this idiot,” she thought as she tried to collect her temper.

“Well, as for the reputation, I try to let my work speak for itself. However, these are just odd sample pieces. I normally make each piece individually,” she said.

He seemed to brighten up a bit. “Oh! So this is just the leavings for the public. Perhaps you can make what I want then. You see, the woman I am courting has the odd desire to be a warrior. You realize, I would not normally associate with such a thing, but she does have certain... charms you might say.”

Oh, so he's after her money or her body... or both.

Walchyra nodded, and the man took that as an excuse to ramble on. “I would like to gift her with a piece of fine armor. Would that be possible?”

“Oh, absolutely. Of course, we'd have to her come in, figure out what her size is so that I could make something suitable. What kind of armor did you have in mind? Full plate mail? Scale mail?”

The man looked astonished when he heard that. “Plate mail? Oh, no, no, that wouldn't do at all. That wouldn't be remotely feminine. She is truly a most beautiful creature and such armor would hide her best features! No, I would like the sort of thing the Ulurakith wear.”

Oh, sweet Nerlana. The Ulurakith? One tribe ruled by a line of warrior queens two oceans away and every foppish idiot thinks he knows how they dress?”

“Sir, I have never seen Ulurakith armor, so I am unaware what you have been told.”

The fop looked down at her. “Well, perhaps you have not. After all, you are unlikely to have read widely after all. They are a wild tribe of women and they wear the most enchanting armor. It's a light metal top, barely enough to make it legal for them to go out into public. Then a bare hint of a skirt and knee boots. In fact, I believe I have an illustration in this book.”

He reached around in his bag and pulled out a book and it opened immediately to the page in question. “Yup, the spine of the book is cracked to that exact page. Again.

“Sir, you obviously don't truly love this woman, do you?”

The man's eyes nearly flew out of his face. “How dare you say such a thing? I do indeed love my sweet Lurana! How could you say something like that! I should have you...”

Walchyra cut him off. “Well, you obviously don't love her if you want to buy her this kind of armor!”

The fool calmed a bit, figuring that this was just some kind of a peasant way to haggle with him about the price and sell him something more expensive.”

“I see, you think it needs gold trim or the like?”

“No, I said you don't love her, because this isn't armor at all. Just look at this. It hardly protects anything. Her stomach is wide open, one good sword thrust and she'll either have a huge scar, or more likely she'll be thrown into a grave somewhere. Armor is meant to protect you, not be something which a woman wears when she wants to take someone to bed with her!”

The man looked crestfallen, but to her surprise, he didn't simply turn away and storm out. Instead, he went over to the wall and started looking closely at one of the breastplates hung there. She could hear him muttering. “Indeed, the foul mouthed peasant may have a point. Sweet Lurana might not take to such a thing well. Perhaps I should...” With that, he reached up to the breastplate and started caressing it.

Walchyra sighed and went back behind the counter. She longed to grab her trusty mace, but instead she reached out and pulled out another breastplate. This one was a bit unusual, in that it had two large protrusions in the armor where a woman's breasts would be.

The fop turned and when he saw it, his eyes gleamed. “Yes! Exactly! Perhaps your reputation is deserved after all! This would be outstanding!”

“No sir, in fact, I got this out to show you why this would be such a bad idea.”

The man looked at her puzzled. “Why would this be a bad idea? After all it covers her up, just like you said!”

“Sir, I'm going to put this armor onto this wooden stand over here. I'd like you to take your rapier and drive it into her chest.”

The man awkwardly pulled out his rapier, and with a very rough strike aimed for her chest. The point of the blade hit along the side of one of the protrusions, and the point of the sword drove into the armor, right in between the breasts.

“You see sir, that kind of armor can just end up slipping a blade into the center of a chest. Ideally, you'd like the armor to slip the point of the blade away from the person.”

“But, then what kind of armor would you have a woman wear? You say you make women's armor? What is it?”
Walchyra smiled. “Actually, it's not all that different from men's armor. There are a few places where you need to shape it differently, and there is a trick in that, especially for certain women. Otherwise, it's pretty much the same.

The man turned and left without another word, which she honestly found to be a relief.

Six weeks later

It was once again store day, and once again, Walchyra looked up when she heard the door open. This time, it was a tall woman with long blonde hair. One look at her arms made it clear that she was used to work, and Walchyra suspected that the sword on her belt was much more than decorative.

“May I help you?” she asked.

“Why, yes. I hear that you make the best women's armor that there is? I mean, I've been so looking forward to it. I used to be engaged to this idiot Penves, but that wasn't ever really my choice don't you know! It was my parents idea. Anyway, he promised to get me new armor from you! I mean, I have armor, but I've gotten so tall that it doesn't fit so well as I would want. I think I'll give it to my little sister, but then I need something good to replace it.”

Walchyra found herself liking the woman, despite the fact that she evidently had no need to breath while talking.

The woman plowed on “Well, you know, like I said, Penves was going to get me something here, but instead he got something stupid. I mean, he went on about how the Ulurakith are the greatest warriors and all of this, but that armor he got me was so, so stupid! Maybe it would have worked at the beach, but on a battlefield? I would have been better off naked. At least no worse, though it was about the same I guess. Anyway, that just wasn't good at all. That's not why he's my ex-fiance though, my parents found out that he was off with some barmaid! He had the gall to blame me, because I refused to... well anyway, you get the point. But, all of that, I need armor, and so what do you have?”

“Well ma'am, what I have on the walls here are samples. If I were to make you something, it would be made just for you, so we can get the size right. But, judging by your sword, I would say you want something fairly heavy duty. Like this breastplate over here. Of course, we would also do leggings and the like, but this would be the start.”

She took it down and handed it to the woman. The woman looked at it, and checked the weight. “Oh, I like this. It's nice and heavy, heavy enough to be good protection, but not so heavy that it would slow me down. “ She rapped the steel with her knuckles “Seems like a good quality of steel too, I like that ring. Now you mentioned leggings?

“Yes ma'am,” said Walchyra. She went across the room and pulled a pair of leggings off the wall. They were leather pants with metal plates attached at key points to provide a bit more protection.

The woman examined the leggings, and checked the quality of the leather as well as the way the plates were attached to it. When she got to the top, she stopped and felt it a second time.

“Wait, could this be?”

Walchyra grinned. “Yes, pockets.”

“You ARE the best women's armor maker in town!”

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Evil and Villainy (Spoilers abound, be aware)

It's been awhile, but once again I return to this long lost bit of the internet to muse and be ignored.  As the title suggests, there will be spoilers here, especially for RWBY (as the last 2 week's episodes are what sent me down this road.)  I'll also talk a bit about the nature of Terra from Teen Titans, and who knows where else I'll meander. 

(I told you, RWBY spoilers.... if you haven't seen through V6 E12, be warned)

Many things have happened in RWBY the last few weeks, but the one that got my attention was a very particular aspect of the battle between Blake and Yang on one side, and Adam on the other.  After all this time, Adam Taurus finally "unmasked" himself and we saw his face.   A face that has been tattooed with "SDC" (Schnee Dust Company presumably). 

Now, Adam has been one of the clearest out and out villains the show has.  A man driven by rage and anger, a faunus who deeply feels the offenses against his people and lashes out as brutally as he can.  Now, this isn't new for the character.  We've seen the seething rage in him almost from his introduction, and we've certainly seen it grow over the last couple of seasons into a deep froth.  He's Magneto at his coldest and angriest, but perhaps even more so.

Yet, at the same time, seeing the tattoo, and seeing the casual persecution of the faunus throughout the series, it's clear that he has become a villain who was broken by others.  The lash of persecution has driven him beyond the brink.  He's certainly still evil, and his actions drive that point home time and again.

This seems to be a constant in our literary development of villains any more.  Villains have a "reason" a cause.  They were in some way, created by the malice of others.  Anakin may have been troubled, but he was not driven past the edge until the death of his mother and the manipulation of Palpatine and so forth.

It's been interesting to watch the evolution of Terra in the Teen Titans.  If you go back and read the original "Judas Contract" series in the comic, she's portrayed as being pretty much a "bad seed."  Yes, she worked with Slade, but you get the sense that the malice, anger and evil that lived within her was part of her very nature.  In more recent versions (From the 90's Teen Titans and the more recent DC Animated Movie of the Judas Contract), she's much different.  She's troubled, but fundamentally manipulated into her evil by Slade, and in one form or another finds a level of redemption.

Is evil from within or without?  The answer is often... yes.  That is to say, there are people who are broken by circumstance and manipulation and are twisted into being something else.  So certainly, a villain like Adam is a very real thing.  We can look at history and find any number of examples of people who are like that.

Yet, it's also easy to find people in history who are drawn down an evil path on their own.  Perhaps by their own boundless ambition, or maybe even by something which is just "wrong" within them from first causes.  To ignore those things is to shift blame and responsibility.  To say "every villain is a victim" is facile and ignores the darkness which lies in man's soul.

There is a place in both, so this certainly isn't meant a complaint about Adam.  He is what he is. 

The evil of Salem is a bit harder to fully grasp, because there are so many ingredients to the stew.  Her Rapunzel like origin certainly hurt her, but so much was driven by her rage at Oz's death.  Her natural and profound sorrow was transformed into anger and a sense of being ill used by the world.  Then, she turned herself into a catspaw between the dark and light, and eventually "fell into the darkness" entirely.  Is she victim or villain?  It's... hard to say.  A bit of both really.

This is something I struggle with in my own writing and creating of villains.  I may never actually write these stories, but I can give a short precis to get the idea across (a great deal is in my head, but I rarely write.  It is what it is.)

One of the major characters in my current thinking of the world of Panthelia is Centina.  She's a child of the Ulurakith (like Alelneia, but not from the same family.)  Now, the Ulurakith are a bit of a mixed people.  They have some noble qualities, and some very troublesome ones. That's intentional.  One thing about them is that they are great believers in physical strength and ability, and almost turn it into an idol.  The flip side is that they not only distrust magic, but actively despise it. It's evil, untrustworthy and the like.

However, in Panthelia magic is something which can arise in certain people for no fully understood reason.  It's almost parallel to mutants in the Marvelverse (at least in that respect.)   What do you do if you are a people that loathes magic and a child with affinity arises?  Well, Centina is one of those kids.  She was already a bit suspect in that for an Ulurakith, she was small and scrawny as a child, terrible in a people that idolizes strength. 

How did her mother respond?  Well, she turned upon her own flesh and blood.  She was duty bound to raise the child until age 15, but from that point, she threw Centina out, and did everything she could to make Centina outcast in her little community.  There were a very few who disagreed, but Centina, almost in despair, chose to simply leave town, desperate and alone.

Is mommy dearest a villain? Most certainly.  Her motives are such an overweening attachment to the traditions of the Ulurakith that she turned upon her own daughter.  So, her evil was born of both the internal and the external.

On the other hand, you have Barakan, a dragon who is determined to be the top dog (er, dragon.)  He's not even really sure what he wants to do with that power, but he knows he deserves it.  His evil is more or less internal.  It's boundless ambition, even if undirected. (He does have some yes-dragons who speak in his ear and reinforce that inanity, but they're only pumping up what was already there.)

There is a place for both in stories. 

I may post up some more later on Centina and momma, as she's a pretty hard character to get your mind around, and raises other tricky questions.

Well this meaningless ramble is over.