Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I return!!!

Let's see if I can get this thing cranked up a bit more again.

I admit, I've slacked, and to an extent, I've gotten behind in my comics reading.

So, what do we do from here? A long winded post on the nature of pacing? That will likely be coming, but I'd like a bit more time to plot and muse.

Now, instead, it's time for me to return to my favorite old shtick! Yes, Downsides are back!!

Downsides of living in the DC Universe!

5. You spend weeks trekking off to a remote Himalayan Monastery to try to gain perspective to your life, only to be buried in Superheros trying to recover from the latest crisis.

4. Being assigned to write a short summary on all known about the origin of Donna Troy.

3. Being in charge of making up to date maps of California.

2. Taking a tip from your cousin to invest in a high tech firm, only to find out that it just got closed down by the Feds for being a front for some villains no one has ever heard of.

1. Endless debates on alt.fan.wonderbabes "Cassie or Donna"

Ok, ok, not my best set, but I'm trying I tell ya!